od MatoM » 15 srp 2019, 17:36
Svojho casu som kontaktoval zakaznicku podporu Eibach presne s touto otazkou, preco Eibach Pro Kit nie je urceny pre Mx5, ktore z tovarne vyjdu s Bilstein podvozkom (Sport, resp. Sportive). Odpoved je taka, ze tu kombinaciu netestovali. Cela odpoved:
The reason why we do not confirm using of E5530-140 for your MX-5 is the missing test result. We haven’t tested this Kit on your car, so we do not offer this to your model. And that’s the reason why we unfortunately can’t explain, what could happen if you use them further on.
Mam nahodenu tuto kombinaciu, a uz som to tak kupoval, takze to neviem porovnat so seriou. Opticky to vyzera dobre, vacsie nerovnosti na ceste to ale uplne nezvlada a prenasa to do karoserie. Ako je to s aftermarketovymi Bilsteinami to neviem.